Thumbscrew -Same- MCD

Sorus -Viimane Kuningas-

The Pride -...and the Glory- - Digipak

The Yardbombs - Ebola Palooza-

Thumbscrew & Last Chance -Patriotic Resistance-

The Pride -No Holding Back!-

Ultima Thule & Hel -Genom Eld Och Aska-

Spandau -Frihetskämpar-

Secession -Rebel Yell- MCD

Ultima Thule -1458- Digipak

West Wall -Blitzkrieg Symphonie-

Verszerzödes / English Rose - United Forces Digipak CD DIGI

Ultimium -Svegliati Europa-

Sorus -Viimane Kaitseliin-

Stevie & Laura -Home of the Brave-

Youngblood -Old School Pride-

We Want War -Nordic Myth-

Saga -My Tribute german Edition- Doppel CD Digi

Zurzir/Deaths Head -To Valhalla-

Völund Smed -Lost and Found-